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Georgia Machinists Endorse National Infrastructure Bank

Oct 21, 2020
Resolution in Support of National Infrastructure Bank 

Whereas, The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) stated in its 2017 report card that the United States received a grade of D+ regarding the current state of infrastructure and that more than four and a half trillion dollars would be needed to restore the nation’s infrastructure to a state of good repair. Over two trillion dollars is currently not funded and the remainder is inadequately funded. New, 21st Century projects are unfunded; and, 

Whereas, the state of Georgia received a C+ from the ASCE in 2019. Transit was graded D+, Roads C+, Storm water C-, and Wastewater D+. Georgia’s population is growing rapidly, and it needs new facilities. Half of all Georgians do not have access public sewer service, and waste water needs total $2.7 billion; Georgia needs to increase rail and mass transit to move people and freight; Atlanta ranks #6 nationally in congestion (average cost per driver $1510 per year); new rail transportation---passenger and high speed—could be partially built in-state, retooling airplane factories to build rail parts and cars, as was done by Franklin Roosevelt in the retooling during WWII; and,   

Whereas, a new National Infrastructure Bank (NIB) could directly finance much of the infrastructure of the nation, including the health care infrastructure needed to address the pandemic, and hire millions of people who have lost their jobs; and, 

Whereas, the NIB is modeled on previous banks which helped build much of our infrastructure under Presidents George Washington, James Madison, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. The last such bank helped bring us out of the Depression and win WWII; and, 

Whereas, Congress introduced HR 6422 to create the new National Infrastructure Bank; it will function like its predecessors. It will be capitalized by existing Treasury debt and require no new federal appropriations. It will invest four trillion dollars into infrastructure only and create twenty-five million new high-paying jobs. The NIB will pay Davis-Bacon wages, ensure Project Labor Agreements and include Buy American provisions. Disadvantaged business enterprises will be enlisted as will large-scale minority hiring. The Bank will grow the economy by 4-5% per year as did its predecessors; and, 

Whereas, Many organizations have issued statements of support. Seventeen state legislatures filed support resolutions, including South Carolina (passed the House), Alabama (passed the House), North Carolina, as did county and city councils. The Virginia State AFL-CIO; Hudson Valley NY Building and Construction Trades Council; Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 50 Ohio; Westchester-Putnam Counties NY AFL-CIO Labor Council; CWA Local 4319 Ohio, The National Congress of Black Women, the National Association of Counties, the National Latino Farmers and Ranchers, The American Sustainable Business Council, the National Association of Minority Contractors, the National Federation of Federal Employees (IAMAW) and many more are on record in support; now, therefore be it

Resolved, That we The Georgia State Council of Machinists & Aerospace Workers, call upon the United States Congress to pass H.R. 6422 to create a National Infrastructure Bank to finance urgently needed infrastructure projects; and be it further

Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the entire Georgia delegation to Congress, the Governor, and to the President of the United States.

Respectfully Submitted, E-Board and Members, Oct. 13, 2020.

The Georgia State Council of Machinists & Aerospace Workers  

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