Blog Post

Ulster County (NY) Legislature Endorses NIB

Oct 22, 2021

October 22 2021- The Legislature of Ulster County, New York this week issued an endorsement for HR 3339 and the National Infrastructure  Bank.

The statement says in part:


"WHEREAS, ASCE reports that in New York 424 dams are considered to be  high-hazard potential, 7,292 miles of highway and 1,702 bridges in need of repair with 9.9% of bridges rated structurally deficient, with rates traditionally higher for local county and municipal bridges; and

WHEREAS, New York State alone has more structurally deficient bridges than  the country’s average with more than 50% being 75 years old, and over 400 at 100  years old; and

WHEREAS, it is estimated that New York needs $22.8 billion in modernization costs to ensure safe drinking water, and an additional $36.2 billion over 20 years to repair, replace, and update the state’s wastewater infrastructure; and

WHEREAS, broadband access is still deficient in New York State, especially in rural counties like Ulster, with 38% of all New York households earning $25,000 or less lacking access to a high-speed internet connection; and

WHEREAS, the outmoded electric grid in New York, and most of the nation, is woefully inadequate to provide much needed two-way transmission of electricity critical to the development and expansion of renewable power; and...."

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