Blog Post

Media Campaign for $5 Trillion NIB Escalates

Nov 18, 2021

November 18 2021-The Coalition for the National Infrastructure Bank continued the drum-beat for the enactment of HR3339 this week. The latest includes an Op-Ed in Ohio, and paid advertisements in Buffalo and Florida.

The Sentinel- Tribune of Bowling Green, Ohio published a letter to the Editor on November 17 entitled "Infrastructure Act only puts a dent in the need", endorsed by numerous elected officials and other prominent Ohio supporters of the NIB.

In Florida, the NIB Coalition is running an ad for two weeks in the Florida News Service, which is widely read by elected officials and policymakers  in Florida.  The Buffalo News (NY) advertisement features the support of various city and county elected bodies in New York, as well as support from New York area labor organizations. (Below)

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