Blog Post

Crucial Congressional Support Grows For National Infrastructure Bank Bill

Jun 03, 2022

There is growing support for the HR3339, the National Infrastructure Bank Act. A concerted effort of activists around the country has led to twelve sponsors signing onto the bill. This is a start. The Coalition for a National Infrastructure Bank (NIB) has launched a massive escalation of this campaign. The Coalition is spearheading a seven week drive to secure twenty co-sponsors. Growing support will put the NIB on the radar screen of all policy makers in the nation. This goal must be reached, and surpassed, as soon as possible. We need your help!

This organizing campaign is occurring against a backdrop of deepening economic crisis. Unless there is a dramatic change, the country is locked into the untenable path of runaway inflation and onrushing recession. This is the result of decades of downsizing and outsourcing of our production while simultaneously pumping up an “everything” financial bubble. Right now all the “choices” are bad. 

The only sane solution is to rapidly build up the productive base of the economy. The $5 trillion National Infrastructure Bank accomplishes just that and more. HR3339 is the vehicle to repair all of our infrastructure and generate an industrial revival at the same time.  We must not miss this historic opportunity. 

It’s all hands on deck! It is time to revive the spirit and lessons of Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Let’s make government work for the people. Call your member of Congress today and urge them to co-sponsor HR3339. 

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